Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

Progress Update!


Some of the Things We've Been Working On!

- There is a brand new site theme we really think you will love, you can switch to it by heading to Settings > Account > Site Options and choosing "Night Sky". This is now the default layout for the site but if you already had an account before today, you'll need to switch to it! All the improvements we're currently making to the UI are being made on the Night sky theme and once we're finished, there will be a new daylight theme (and more) that reflect these improvements. For the time being, though, it's probably best to switch to the new layout.

- There have been some general UI updates including page titles, structure added to inventory, Khim den, Inkling pen, etc. and we are still working on more improvements there!

- The Public House live chat is now fully operational, though I still need to look over and probably update the chat rules.

- The Inkling Pen now displays much larger images by default and has been paginated. We do have plans for more improvements to the Pen in future.

-The Khim Checklist is now functional! You can either check off the khims manually, or use the "add all from den" button to add your denned Khims automatically!

-There is a brand new world map page (for Night Sky theme)!

Hi Everyone!


As you may have noticed if you are visiting for the first time in a while, we have created a new theme for the site and are working on trying to get it back up and running as a viable game. This will involve some changes to how features work and streamlining of game play. We will be focusing mainly on growable features (Inklings) and khims and will be retiring the aethers and repurposing those bases into either khims or Inklings. We are currently working on revamping the UI to be more user-friendly and improving basic site functionality like inventories, dens, etc. We do hope to have the live chat working again soon so that you will be able to chat with us about the future of the site! I am very excited to be working on reviving Aethria. It has always been my plan to do so as soon as I was able, which is why we have left the site up and running even though it was not being updated. Account creation is currently open, but we don't advise creating Aethers or using Aether-related features at the moment as they will soon be removed.

New Stock at the Recycling Center!


"I sure hope you messy people are doing your part to keep Aethria clean! If you need some enticement, I suppose I can part with some trinkets, khim totem stones (don't tell Aryx) and these trifling items I came across in my travels. What? Yes, I travel. There's no biscotti like the biscotti from the Tea Shoppe at the Center of the Universe (but don't tell Onyx I said that)! You'd better hurry up though, because I only have about a six week supply of items. You can find me at the Recycling Center on Khimeros Caldera. Bring lots of trash, because you'll need 5 pieces of each type to get a reward!"

Double Stump, Gnarled Stump (ashen, mossy, oak, snowy, spooky, weathered)


Make sure you cash in your extra growables if you haven't collected all the growables recycling items, because those will be changing out next!

The Official Site Advertising Contest Ending Soon

Tainted1 (#6)

We will be Ending the Advertising Contest in 3 days on the 9th of January.
So that we can hand out the results and prizes, we would also like to thank everyone for their participation in our competition.

Snowbound Pack


If you got the wrong item out of your Snowbound Backdrop Pack, please make sure you send all excess items to Onyx and you will be sent the missing Snowbound Sky. The pack has now been fixed, sorry for any inconvenience!