Please note there may be more than one news release per day, so please scroll down and make sure that you have read ALL the news! :)

New Markings and Dyes!


Some new markings and dyes have been added for aethers! You will find them in the custom demo.

"Aurora", "Flames", and "Smoke" are regular marking and can be selected as usual from the markings drop-down.

"Glitter", "Galactic". "Glitter Star" and "Starfield" are new dyes, which are markings that are moveable and resizeable! You can select these from the markngs drop-down, but you will need to pick up a bottle of dye from the cash shop to use these markings!

Aether Fusion!


You can now create fusions of Aether doppels!

See the previous news post regarding creation of Aether doppels.

Silver Fusion Charms are available in the Trinket Shop for 250 trinkets.

You will need a Silver Fusion Charm to create a Fusion of two Aether Doppels. Use more SFCs to increase your chances of twins. Twins allow you to keep one Fusion for your collection and another to continue fusing for the next generation!

Once you have some Doppels and Silver Fusion Charms, visit the Aether Fusion link in the World menu of the main navigation bar to create some Fusions!

Aether Doppels!


Great news! You can now create "doppels" of your custom aethers!

Silver Doppel Charm

Water, Earth, Fire, Wind and Dream Sprites

A doppel is an exact copy of your custom aether. You can sell or trade these for other users to collect!

You will also be able to "fuse" two aether doppels in the near future. Fusing two doppels combines them to form a new aether with markings and colors that are a combination of the "parent" aethers! Watch for more info on this in future!

To create a doppel of your own custom aether, go to the aether's page and look on the lower left hand side of the page where it says "create doppel of this aether". You must have a Silver Doppel Charm - available in the Trinket Shop - and two wild sprites. Wild sprites are now circulating in the Meadow, Orchard and Herb Garden on Aluriya!

To make your customs available for OTHER users to replicate, go to your custom Aether's admin panel and set the trinket or bead price for replication (be sure you don't accidentally set sale price), and fill in either a number of doppels that you wish to make available to others, or click the box for "unlimited doppels".

Dice Items!


To play the dice game, go to the Khimeros World Map page and scroll to the bottom to find the link to the dice game. If you are an upgraded user, you can also activate the Dice Widget in account settings! You can move the dice widget to a convenient location on your layout and it will show on every page.

When playing dice you can win trinkets, khim totem stones, and items! This item rotation, you have the chance to pick up these lovely Lesser Flutterbye deco items!

(Note: there is currently a glitch with the dice game where it may not show item thumbnails correctly when you win an item - we're working on fixing this!)

Aether Search!


You can now search for all aethers using the handy Aether Search under "Help" in the main navigation menu!

This will be important for the upcoming Aether Doppels feature, so watch for news on that!